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    This is Section ¹ØÓÚÎÒÃÇ About Us
    The following are articles published in this section.

      · Ð£ÓÑ»áÕÂ³Ì (read: 16806 times)  
      · Ð£ÓÑ»áÀúÊ·£¯Àú½ìÀíÊ»á (read: 29796 times)  
      · Milestones as of Year 2000 (read: 4062 times)  
      · TAAG's Mission, Members, Board of Directors, and Address (read: 35135 times)  
      · May 2008 - April 2009 Board of Directors (read: 4121 times)  
      · Archive: TAAG's Old Web Site (read: 4954 times)  

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    ÁÖçâ¡¢»ÆÎÄÁÖ $100
    ³ÂÔ·Éú¡¢Ð¤Óî $100
    Daobing Ye $50
    Yongjun Geng $50
    Zhan Liu $20
    Â¥Óî°º $100
    93Ë®ÀûÑîѧ¾ü $100
    ÕÅƼ The Ping Mortgage Company $100
    Yunke Yang $20
    Vincent Zhou $100

    TAAG (Tsinghua Alumni Association of Georgia) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization registered with the State of Georgia.
    We welcome your donations and we have had donors from around the world. Please always consult with your own tax accountant as your donation may or may not be tax deductible depending on your tax jurisdiction and the circumstances related to each donation.
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