About TAAG


-Fund Raiser
-News Update
-About XiaoDong Yuan
-About ZhaoHui Wang
-Initial Missing Report
-Family Photo




晓东家的亲属Mr. Chen and Ms. Xie给晓东的父亲写来了慰问信.


我们昨日收到了83笔捐款。其中包括XUE Zheng, Rui & MA Erui捐献的$2000美元,MA Huilian捐献的$800美元和HUANG Zhifeng & LI Rong一家,LOU Yuang & GUO Bin一家,ULAM Gulinar, WANG Yongqian & ZHU Yi & Ouwen一家, WEI Ran & ZHOU Wei一家, YU Kar-Lam & Ada一家,, ZHANG Diana & Runzhou一家各捐献$500美元.非常感谢大家.


今天下午亲属和朋友聚在一起共同回忆和怀念王朝晖和晓东的一生.整个活动持续了两小时45分钟.遍布全美的晓东和郁艳的同学通过电话会议的形式参与了这一纪念仪式. 晓东父亲袁和生,弟弟袁晓伟,郁艳,晓东同学和TAAG献上的花圈摆放在讲台上. 两边还摆放着从事故现场带回的松塔和岩石.

TAAG的主席韩宝山主持了仪式. The program started with TAAG board members greeting family and friends, and friends signing the guestbook and getting seated, while Enya's songs and Mozart's Requiem played in the background. Upon the commencement of the Remembrance Gathering, the music stopped and all observed a minute of silence. The first speaker was Mr. WANG Ming, first cousin of Ms. WANG Zhaohui. He recalled the illustrious career of Ms. WANG and the many memories of his cousin as a loving mother. Mr. YUAN Xiaowei then reflected on the remarkable positive attitude towards life that his mother always held, and how his brother Xiaodong had taken exactly the same trait.

YU Yan spoke after Xiaowei. She talked about Xiaodong as a great husband and a great father, and the many qualities that made Xiaodong such a unique caring individual and such a beloved person. She vowed to continue Xiaodong's wish of visiting the many places in China and the U.S. and to raise the kids to be good people.

In the next session, other relatives, classmates, TAAG members, and Xiaodong's co-workers shared their recollections of Ms. Wang and Xiaodong's lives. We sighed and cried for our loss. We smiled and laughed for the good times and the privilege of knowing them. Xiaodong is such a good son, good husband, good father, good friend, good alumnus, in short -- a "good person" in the truest sense. And those of us who did not get to know Ms. Wang commented on how she must have been a wonderful mother to raise such a son. Xiaodong's life was celebrated as a perfect embodiment of Tsinghua University's school motto, “自强不息、厚德载物” -- which can be loosely translated as "self-discipline and social commitment" or "to strive along; to enhance virtue, to be tolerant and to serve."

Board members LU Shengkai and JIANG Sijuan recited letters from other Chinese associations, alumni associations, Xiaodong's teachers and relatives, as well as tributes and condolence messages posted at the memorial forum and other web sites, while board member HUANG Jianzhong displayed slides of family pictures.

TAAG board members Yale XIAO and Wei LIN described the search efforts and the tremendous outpouring of support from the Chinese communities and many other concerned friends, the daily busy activities of phone calls, email messages, web updates and conference calls, and the backstage support by the families of all involved, all in concerted efforts to get more attention to the case of our missing friends and to mobilize more resources for the search. They expressed the ideal of seeing our communities building stronger ties.

Baoshan and June described the frontline search efforts, their meetings with the rangers and sheriff deputies, the helicopter and driving search trips, the crucial role played by the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco, and at the end, the heartbreaking moments of knowing the bad news and reaching the scene. They recalled that Yan's first wish was to build some guarding barrier at the road side to prevent more accidents from happening again there, a thought shared by Xiaodong's father Mr. YUAN Hesheng. Baoshan mentioned that Highway Patrol had told them about the avalanche activities and the frequent falling of rocks making that idea not feasible. Yan and TAAG will be working towards making prominent warning signs along the highway.

Ms. WANG and Xiaodong's missing and the tragic accident touched the hearts of so many people and we are indebted for all the concerns and supports. Board member Yuansheng CHEN reported on the fund raising activities for TAAG's Xiaodong Yuan Memorial Fund.

Baoshan and Yan concluded the Remembrance Gathering by repeating our heartfelt thanks to all the concerned friends, alumni, Chinese diplomats, rangers, sheriff deputies, other law enforcement and highway patrol officers, government officials and news media reporters for their effort, assistance, professionalism, kindness and generosity. Afterwards, Requiem resumed and friends came up hugging and shaking hands with the family members to console them and wish them well.











晓东历年照片已加入 纪念相册



We got quick updates from your website since the begining, your tireless efforts to help Yuan's family touched our hearts. As parents for 2 young boys, we feel the pain of Yan's lost. We want to show our support to Yan. Hope she gets through this difficult time soon.


Xu, Huaishi (Computer 81')
Zhao, Min (Automation 84')

I don't know Yuan and his family. Just want to express my condolence to his two sons and his wife.

-- Tong Wang in St.Louis




The Remembrance Gathering in Honor of the Lives of Ms. Wang and Xiaodong is scheduled as follows:

Saturday, October 8th, 2005 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm EDT

Perimeter Church (地图和路线)

9500 Medlock Bridge Road

Duluth, GA 30097 

Phone: 678-405-2000

Family and friends are holding the Remembrance Gathering in lieu of any formal memorial service, respecting family wishes and reflecting Ms. Wang and Xiaodong's unassuming grace and charisma. (The dress code is thus set as business casual.)


今天我们收到了26笔捐款,其中 Scott and Chausa CHEN 捐献了 $1200美元,CHEN Weidong和LI Ai  捐献了  $500美元, ZHAO Chunyu  捐献了 $500 美元。



Hi, All:

Thank you very much.

Don't worry about me everybody, I am fine and start working now: collecting photos, reading all the emails and mails, paying bills, organizing the stuff in their luggages. And my younger son is very happy playing with my parents now.

Just received a bouquet of flowers in a vase with the following message on a card:

"No words could make up for your loss, but every classmate is caring and supporing you anytime, anywhere. Take care of yourself and the kids! we love you! -- All classmates from 1988 Class 2."

Thank you.



第一位在电视里报道晓东事件的亚特兰大电视台记者Alan WANG今天写信给我们,

I was touched by the outpouring of concern and emotion for Yuan Xiaodong and his mother, Wang Zhaohui. His friends and fellow alumni executed a well-organized effort that impressed and persuaded authorities, in Yosemite, to take action. I myself, a father of two boys, ages 4 and 2, felt the sadness of your loss (Xiaodong's beautiful sons will have few memories of their father and grandmother). But as a Chinese-American, I was proud of the way Yale Xiao and the Tsinghua Alumni Association presented themselves, on television, in front of Metro Atlanta. Strong, determined, assertive, and intelligent. My condolences go out to Xiaodong's wife, his two sons, and the entire Chinese community of Metro Atlanta.

Alan Wang

South Metro Bureau Chief



大芝加哥地区清华校友会捐献了 $100美元。主席LI Gang并呼吁校友会成员为晓东纪念基金捐款。

已有8人通过Paypal online捐款. 这是一个既简洁,安全有直接的帮助手段。


郁燕,其父母,袁晓伟和他住在克里夫兰的舅舅,宝山和王莙今天一早到达亚特兰大。Scott CHEN 在机场接机。

As we completed the tasks in California, TAAG thanks the support and participation from Yan and Xiaodong's friends there, alumni from the Tsing Hua Alumni Association of Northern California (THAA-NC) under the leadership of President Eric YANG (Industrial Engineering BS'82, Hsinchu Campus in Taiwan) and those from the Tsing Hua University Alumni Association of Southern California (THUAA-SC), and the Chinese Consulates General in San Francisco and Los Angeles.


昨天我们收到了32笔捐款,其中明尼苏达州的ZHANG Chunbo和GUO Yan捐献了$600美元,乔州McDonough市的David和 Carol ANDERSON(晓东的邻居)捐献了$500美元。我们现通过Paypal接受网上捐献,您可以很方便的用eCheck或Visa/MasterCard支付。我们感谢大家的捐款并将公布您的名字及转达给晓东亲属。

TAAG acknowledges the Perimeter Church's May Chun Kam for her help in securing the location for our remembrance event this Saturday, detail information of which will be available later on this site. We appreciate the kindness of the Church's leadership for opening up Church facility to the North Fulton Chinese Community for secular events throughout the years.




Hui TIAN, who was in the search team that first reached Yosemite with WEI Ran and LAI Dishi, donated $500 to the Xiaodong Yuan Memorial Fund. Family friend Scott CHEN searched entire Atlanta Airport parking lots from Economy to Park & Ride and finally found the Yuan family minivan that Xiaodong left there before flying to Las Vegas.




MarshallPate's Creek小学的老师和晓东的雇主打来电话表达他们的哀思。 袁晓东纪念基金得到了更多的捐款。其中Eric Poe XING先生和Ne ZHANG各捐献了$1000美元。Chad OWENS先生捐献了$740美元。 感谢所有的捐款人!


Bishop傧仪馆, 郁燕, 亲属和朋友向晓东和王朝辉遗体道别。之后遗体火化, 亲属接受骨灰. 整个过程中,宝山和王莙一直陪伴在他们身边. 我们的心也一直和他们在一起.


清华校友会副总秘书李志华从北京清华大学发来唁电. 晓东大学一年级的老师唐健也写信回忆晓东的生平并表达他的哀思.


宝山和王莙昨晚又开车7个小时带郁燕, 袁晓伟(晓东弟弟)和其他亲属返回优胜美地国家公园准备火化仪式. 乔州清华校友会要求他们务必小心. 王莙所在公司Info Realty捐献了 $2000 美元.  王莙一家又单独捐献了 $1000美元. 我们非常感谢王莙自始至终的参与和在经济上的大力相助.




请将呼吁大家为"袁晓东纪念基金" 捐款的信张贴在您的社区或BBS上.


我们已开始收到捐款, 其中包括陈明权一家的$500美元和耿勇军的$500美元. 非常感谢大家的慷慨解囊.不论捐献多少,我们都表示感谢.由于人力有限, 我们只登载捐献$300美元以上的公司和捐献$100美元以上的个人.


由清华校友创办的两个公司Ping Mortgage Valuecalling.com, 分别为袁晓东纪念基金捐献了$2,000 $1,000 美元.




晓东的父亲袁和平给乔州清华校友写信. 感谢在美清华同学会的全力搜寻营救!感谢中国政府、外交部、中国驻美大使馆、旧金山领事馆、洛杉矶领事馆的全力支持搜寻营救!感谢美国优胜美地国家公园、旧金山市、洛杉矶市、加州及沿途相关各州政府人员对搜寻营救工作给予的全力支持!感谢 654;国驻华使馆工作人员在签证派发过程中的支持感谢所有关心、支持、搜救工作的同事、同学、朋友及中外各界人士!感谢关心、支持搜寻营救工作的亲戚朋友!感谢对这一事件进行报道的相关媒体以及工作人员.

领事吴健和从旧金山总领事馆赶来的另一位领事已抵达出事提供现场协助。童领事下午又致电清华校友会理事姜思娟表示总领事馆愿为晓东亲属提供进一步的帮助。乔州清华校友会衷心感谢旧金山总领事馆,洛杉矶总领事馆和华盛顿特区大使馆中国外交官们的帮助。 旧金山总领事馆的许多领事为搜救行动和办理晓东亲属护照签证付出了很多心血 Their professionalism is truly exemplary.

晓东和他母亲的遗体停放在优胜美地国家公园西部小镇Bishop的一个傧仪馆. 郁燕,韩宝山和王莙今晚仍将留在镇里,明日将赴旧金山迎接从中国赶来的郁燕和晓东的亲属。



9/30/2005 9:40 美东时间更新

·   这是一个令人心碎的时刻。2005929日是袁晓东长子Marshall盼望已久的6岁生日。当噩耗传来时, 负责照顾Marshall和弟弟 Max 的阿姨们正带着他们和其他几个小朋友在Chuck E Cheese 给他开生日聚会 




Marshall和弟弟在打开爸爸妈妈几星期前就为他准备好的生日礼物 – 两个遥控模型飞机。

美东时间9/30/2005 9:30更新

郁艳父母和晓东的弟弟晓伟已拿到赴美签证. 如果能买到机票, 他们将会于明日抵达旧金山/亚特兰大. 据今日凌晨2点与晓东家人联系得知, 晓东父亲因身体原因不能来美.

9/30/2005 7:10 美东时间更新

·  乔州清华校友会已请求为晓东和郁艳的亲属快速办理赴美签证. 肖宇已联系到北京和上海的记者. 一记者告知美大使馆已获悉此事并正在办理.


9/29/2005 19:15 美东时间更新

·  据领事吴建消息, 首席侦察员Steve Yu 正赶往Mono Lee Vining此处发现一辆与失踪车所描述的相同的车.


9/29/2005 19:05美东时间更新

·  陈苑生, 肖宇夫妇于昨夜驱车前往袁晓东, 郁艳家取回他们为Marshall 准备的生日礼物. 古丽娜将带几位小朋友在Chuck E Cheese Marshall 举办生日聚会并将其父母预备的礼物转交于他. 这个星期日还将举办另一个生日聚会. 届时会邀请更多的小朋友为Marshall庆祝生日.


9/29/2005 17:47美东时间更新

·  袁晓东长子Marshall 明天将返校上学古丽娜将作为监护人. 由于其父母不在身边, 古丽娜和姜思娟将会负出很多努力.